SUPERCALA | Web | Tutorials
I have tutorials on setting up Apache server, MySQL, PHP, Drupal, Tomcat, and more here. There are also code libraries in multiple languages and semseter classes on C++ 101 basics available online for free I have made to aide in console application development, which is similar to web and media application programming.
My PHPBB Board
I have added to my PHP Board for all things tech and tutoring since 2008. This is simply for the betterment of all, and of course my own reference for when I forget nearly everything if it weren't taped to my forehead.
Tech Notes
Tech notes and daily discoveries are listed here to assist the www community in knowledge I find useful in server and programming related issues.
Support me as an artist, friend. Paypal me a few bucks and I will thank you from the bottom of my soul. Looks around, wonders if that was a good idea to say. Support me, I support you.
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